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Systematyczne pobieranie treści, danych lub informacji z tej strony internetowej (web scraping), jak również eksploracja tekstu i danych (TDM) (w tym pobieranie i eksploracyjna analiza danych, ...

Do agencji Altavia Kamikaze + K2 dołączyły 4 nowe osoby: Karolina Jasińska (na stanowisko social content manager), Sara Włodarczyk (jako TikTok specialist), Mateusz Stępniak (content specialist) oraz ...

TikTok, Facebook and Instagram are supplanting physicians as the authorities on weight-loss drugs, but many posts don’t provide a complete picture of the hazards.

The Old Trafford regeneration task force held its inaugural meeting and Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham attended.

New vendor Grant Corrigan was excited about setting up for the first time at the Murphy Farmers Market on Saturday at the L&N Depot. Folks were stopping by to check out his products, which included ...

The moon's new and full shapes offer fresh starts and emotional clarity. Illuminated by the sun, the full moon aids in releasing negativity. Both phas ...

Project Fresh Start exists to provide mentoring and transitional services for adult, male, ex-offenders ages 18 and up who are transitioning from the State Correctional Institution of Chester and back ...

"Talk about solutions and about people who are helping and actions they can take to help. Encourage them to talk about their feelings. Reassure them that all feelings are normal," she says. " Talking ...

It has been about 11 years since the town of North had its own grocery store. That is changing as a minimarket/grocery store celebrates its grand opening.

A person was treated for smoke inhalation after oil in a chip pan caught alight. Crews on two fire engines were sent to a home in Tollemache Close, Ramsgate, just before 7.45pm yesterday to tackle the ...

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